Application for a detached residential annex in the rear garden

Full Planning Permission Granted on 2 August 2023

rochford annex

170 Rawreth Lane

Council: Rochford District Council

Our client wanted to build a self-contained annex in his rear garden to be occupied by his elderly parents. 

Annexes are a touchy subject with the planners – if they have their own kitchens and bathrooms, the planners often consider that a totally separate dwelling (a separate planning unit) has been created. They worry that the applicant will just rent it out.

In this case, the house is in the Green Belt, where there are extra restrictions on new dwellings.

We were pleased that we were able to persuade the council that this annex would be used by family members only. The approval had a condition on it that it cannot be occupied entirely separately from the main house. 

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