Single-storey rear extensions are probably the most common form of householder development.
They are often permitted development, but the limitations of permitted development rights sometimes means that planning permission is required.
In this case, the extension was small – it was just 3m deep and 3m wide. Hillingdon Council was against it because the house projects slightly deeper than its neighbours and also because the house is on a corner so this rear extension would be visible from the side street.

Happily, the appeal inspector didn’t agree. He decided that the extension would have a ‘limited depth’ and would be low in height with a shallow, pitched roof. He argued that only a small part of the extension would be visible over the side boundary fence and that it would be pebble-dashed so that it would blend in with the main part of the house.
The council had also argued that the extension would mean that the occupiers of the house would not have enough rear garden space left to provide comfortable living conditions. We thought this an odd argument – surely it is up to the homeowner what balance of internal and outside space they want?
The appeal inspector agreed, saying that the garden would be around 45sqm in area, and this would be enough for sitting out, playing or hanging laundry.
We were delighted when the appeal was allowed and our client is pressing ahead with their kitchen extension.
If you have been refused planning permission, don’t give up, check out your chances of a successful appeal. Contact us now for some advice.