Barnet Council refused planning permission for two reasons – it thought the dormer extension was too large and it thought that converting into 3 flats would cause noise and disturbance affecting neighbours.
The architect had carefully designed the dormer to be a modest addition to the rear – it complies with all of Barnet’s guidance, was not visible from the street and would not cause any harm the appearance of the area. The inspector has happy to grant permission for the dormer.
The council had said it would be willing to grant permission for 2 flats, but that 3 would be too many. The inspector agreed to us that comings and goings from 3 flats was not going to be much greater than the activity associated with 2 flats. From the outside it wouldn’t be obvious that there were 3 flats in the building. Ultimately, there was just no good reason to believe that 3 flats would cause any more harm than 2.
We were delighted with the inspector’s decision. We have had some good successes in Barnet in recent months. If you have been refused planning permission and would like some advice on your chances of success at appeal, contact us now for some advice!